The Intentional Morning

Intuitive Therapy - Transforming Lives Beyond Traditional Practices with Annamarie Green

Annamarie Green Season 1 Episode 33

Can you imagine receiving intuitive 'downloads' about your clients and addressing the root cause of their challenges quicker than conventional talk therapy would allow? Well, this episode's guest, Annamarie Green, a professional intuitive licensed therapist, doesn't have to imagine. She's on a mission to fuse energy work and psychology and is seeing phenomenal results, despite resistance from the industry.

Annamarie never shies away from challenging the norm. She’s courageous enough to amalgamate energy work into her therapy practice, which is not just a daring move but a transformative one for her clients. We chat about her journey, the opposition she faced, and the profound impact of her work. It’s not an easy road, but with her unwavering commitment to her clients' wellbeing, Annamarie proves it’s a road worth taking.

As we venture further, we explore how energy manifests in the body, how it can be processed through various strategies, and physical activities. We discuss the power of emotions, especially anger, and how it can serve as a protective shield when our boundaries are violated. The episode concludes with the importance of gratitude and engagement, as Annamarie shares her wisdom on intentional mornings and healthy ways to process anger. This is an episode filled with unique insights and perspectives that will leave you thinking and hopefully, inspired. Tune in to learn more!

Here is how to work with Annamarie Green:


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Speaker 1:

Okay, you guys, today I have a podcast episode that I'm so excited to release, like I'm, I'm so pumped about this interview. I just got off the call with Anna Marie Green, and she is an intuitive therapist who is a licensed clinical therapist with a background in talk therapy and has now combined that with energy work to get the most exceptional results for her clients. And and this this interview is full of so much incredible insight, actionable takeaways. It leaves you feeling inspired and like like there is nothing that the world can throw at you that will make you stuck forever. And, yeah, I'm just I'm so excited, I'm so grateful that I met her, that our paths crossed and that she was able to pop on the podcast today. So Anna Marie is a professional, intuitive licensed therapist and mom on a mission to help individuals and families Reach their mental health goals more effectively and navigate life's difficult moments by combining energy work and psychology.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the intentional morning podcast, a learn-along-with-me show for women who are ready to take Consistent action to design creative lives and become the happiest, most fully expressed version of themselves. A place when we don't believe in fixing ourselves. Instead, we create ourselves. I'm your host, lisa me come, and I am obsessed with exploring how to live ever-vescently and with more intention. Each week, I'll be sharing feel-good stories, actionable takeaways and timeless wisdom on how to elevate the quality of your everyday and have some more fun along the way. Now let's dive into today's episode. Hey guys, I am so excited to introduce you to my new buddy, anna Marie. So Anna Marie tells about yourself. I'm so glad I Know. I'm so excited to connect.

Speaker 2:

I'm like we haven't talked since the powerhouse, like face to face, and I'm like, oh, it's so good to see you. So my name is Anna Marie Green, I am an intuitive therapist, which is a clinical or licensed clinical therapist and a professional intuitive healer, and I get the fun job of combining psychology and energy work to get people better results with their mental health goals and to help them heal things on such deep levels that you know you're able to feel the outcomes and see the outcomes a lot quicker than you would traditional talk therapy, and I've been doing this for a couple years, or yeah, that's amazing Because, like it really is combining all the best and most effective of all the different niches and genres and they like, yeah, that's incredible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's, it was something that I Recognized as I like, started to dip my toes into energy work is like just a personal curiosity and I'm a very curious person by nature and when I started to realize, as my work as a therapist, I was getting certain downloads about clients and what the root cause was of what they were experiencing was. So then I would kind of Lead them in the conversation towards that thing and they were like yes, this, this is what happened, like, and we were able to get to the root a lot quicker. And I are, I kind of looking back, I should have known that this was like the direction I was going, because my colleagues would call me like the therapist that you send people to when therapy doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, thank you. Compliment. Yeah, yeah, thank you, incredible compliment and also outvalidating because, yeah, like so often, it can take years to get yeah, true, real cause, yeah, so for you to be able to get there faster. I mean that that just seems like a like a healing pack.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, it absolutely is, and it's. It's something where it's now that I know, when I've seen the results and you know I've worked with so many clients and like I want everyone to know about this because to me I am Always on the side of like you should never have to. Like to me, being in therapy for years and years, and years and years and years and still suffering while you're in that therapy is unethical to me, and the industry in itself can be a little bit problematic, as any industry can be, where Clinics want people to keep coming back because that means they keep getting money. And for me I've always been like, if we can get your stuff done in less than six months, let's do it, because I don't want you to struggle, because I wouldn't want to struggle for that amount of time just because it's a systematic pressure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a okay. I feel like that had to be such an incredible journey to get to this point. I imagine you got a lot of pushback from colleagues or like what was that process like?

Speaker 2:

So my colleagues were more hesitant. They were just kind of like curious about stuff. They weren't. There wasn't a pushback. But I got a lot of pushback from clinics.

Speaker 2:

So the clinics that I'd work I was working for they didn't love me because of the turnover rate and essentially what that means is like I would only be seen for clients for a season or maybe half of a year.

Speaker 2:

It was very rare for me to have a client that I would see for a year or longer, because we would get to the root of the problem, we would work it through and then they wouldn't have these symptoms that they came to me with. And I also made sure I gave them strategies to use so they didn't have to keep coming back to me unless they, like they wanted to or something else came up and we wanted to work on something else. But clinics didn't love it because that meant that they were essentially losing money, because people are able to heal themselves If they're able to get to the bottom root problem faster and have better lives. They're not going to keep coming back unless they have to or unless it's like a maintenance thing, which means a lot of times. Then you're only seeing them once a month versus every single week for years and years and years.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's amazing. That's how it has so much integrity in it and so much you know real, real consideration and care for your clients or your patients and who you're speaking with. That's a really big deal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and it's just to me. It felt natural. So I and that's why I love what I do, because you get to see how effectively this stuff, like the energy work, works yeah, and it's just a total game changer. You know, it was a game changer for me. It was a game changer for helping my daughter navigate different things in life and being able to see it in clients as well. It's just like, oh my gosh, like sometimes I'm even like I can't believe this. You know that this is creating the outcomes that it is.

Speaker 1:

Because we really are combining the best of both worlds.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and healing, because we're humans, even though everything's made of energy. Even we could receive an energetic reading or energetic healing, but there's still kind of a physical component. Which is why combining talk therapy with energy work is the best possible. Like it gives you the best outcomes because the body takes a little bit longer of a time to adjust to the energetic shifts. But if you're doing, you know the strategies and talk therapy or you're doing some other type of like nervous system regulation with it, then you're able to help the body adjust and the outcomes to happen quicker, without as much pain and like ah as sometimes can happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, okay, let's get into the nitty-gritty. How, like when you first started dipping your toes into doing this professionally, what? What did that look like? And what does it look like now?

Speaker 2:

So when I first started to be my toes in, I started with a couple clients who were already kind of energetically open, like they had kind of talked about their different interests in energy work and like their curiosities and I really felt into like who was just more open to it and so then I would start, I would get these downloads like before session.

Speaker 2:

So I would start kind of like before a therapy session. I would sit for about like five, 10 minutes and I could just feel their energy and see and feel into what they needed to work through what was going on. And at first, before I like told them about the energy side of things, I was like tell me about this and I would like probe them in the direction of the downloads that I received. And then, after doing this work for a couple of weeks and I saw the results of like oh my, like they were all the sudden like unmasked, like I totally forgot about this like trauma that I experienced. Oh my gosh. And now we were starting to be able to process it and integrating. Then, cause, some of the downloads are hey, they should try this, the strategy, whether it's breath work, for one person it was actually like swimming, and that is the physical component of the healing, of how the body is going to process through the energy coming up and it needing to be released.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my, okay, that's that. Yes, that's awesome. That's awesome because it is so different for everybody and there are outlets that are going to resonate differently with other people. You know, I know one girl that's had incredible success picking up horseback riding. Yeah, and yeah, for me, I lift weights, I do yoga, it's how I work out excess energy, exactly but that wasn't combined with other you know, meditation and breath work and things like that. I don't know if it would be as effective for me. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, and that's the thing. Yeah, and that's the thing, like integrating the body into it. It doesn't have to look the same for everyone. For somebody it could just be like going on more walks or spending a little bit time in more, spending a bit more time in nature. But combining the things of like okay, the energy has now been like cleared and things are flowing more, you'll notice emotions come up more, and that's okay, that's meant to happen, and then. But having this physical release is allowing the emotions to move through you and not get stuck. And because when emotions get stuck or energy gets stuck, they'll start to manifest in different ways in the body, including like behavioral changes or like illness and things like that.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, okay, yeah, that resonates so much, yeah, okay. One funny thing me and my husband have talked about this several times throughout our 11 years together is that you have to shake things up. You have to be doing different things because when we get stuck in a routine, we start to feel stuck in a rut and energy needs to move, and so all like subconsciously, start picking fights or all start picking things like a part of the a problem before, and it's just because energy has to move and so you've got to. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it's the same way in kids. You know, I see it all the time. One of the big things is like kids will feel anxious, but they don't know how to identify the anxiety and a lot of times they don't know how to articulate it. So, instead of what we would identify as anxiety in adults, they might be unfocused. They might not be able to follow directions as well. They might be like obsessed with like I need to watch this TV show or I need to do this process, exactly like this.

Speaker 2:

But what really is going on is they're picking up on the energies around the home or outside of the home that might be more anxious or fear-based, and because it's an energy and they don't know how what it actually is, all their body knows is somebody that I'm close to or something doesn't feel safe and I don't know where the threat is coming from. So they have to be aware all the time. So they can't focus, they can't settle down, they struggle with sleep, they struggle with even communicating, because, even though their brain is trying to focus on something, cognitively, their body is like we need to be aware of any threat because we don't know where the threat is coming from.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, so tell me about like your specialties and what kind of clients do you see. Like gender is age ranges. What do you feel?

Speaker 2:

So I see a lot of moms and I do work with kids, but it's indirectly, at least for right now.

Speaker 2:

I've worked with kids before, like in the therapeutic practice, but for what I offer is like I work with the parents and I will do readings and healings for kids, which clears them of whatever energy is at the root of whatever problem it is. So for a lot of kids I see kids who are struggling with focusing or socializing or might be a bit aggressive or are just like the parents, like I have no idea what to do. They're so anxious. So I see a lot of kids who have a lot of anxiety and it's presenting in like difficult behaviors and the parents don't know how to help anymore. And I do a healing and a reading so that the parents know okay, here's the action plan for your child. This is what's gonna be most supportive for them to stop what's happening, prevent it in the future and help them kind of become their best versions of themselves, because the healing does one thing, but then being able to adjust the environment or set up this plan for them that's gonna support them in whatever environment they end up in is so important.

Speaker 2:

I just was working with a client the other week who, her son, was incredibly, incredibly anxious when we first started working together, like he was refusing to go to school. He couldn't, like he didn't really wanna leave the home. He was having panic attacks and he was struggling with eating because he was just so anxious all the time and she was. We've done everything. We've done all the resources, the gentle parent they're very open, they put a lot of time and energy into his growth and development and just nothing was helping.

Speaker 2:

And so I did the healing and I explained to her what I found that there was partially past life stuff, but it was also some of the traumas the mom had experienced in her life that he was kind of, that he was courted to, and so his behavior was a result of adjusting to the fact that her energy still felt connected to this past trauma and that's where the behavior was coming from. But clearing that and then, yeah, and then giving them an action plan of this is what's most supportive. This is what's gonna settle his energy. This is what he needs and he has been great. She said like she updated me. She was like he's made all these new friends, he's joined a sports he's doing, he's like loving school, like he's, it's totally she's, like he's a totally different kid.

Speaker 1:

Wow yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I know that was a long explanation. No, I loved it.

Speaker 1:

I loved it. Yeah, how long ago was this and how like, like, how often are you following up with them?

Speaker 2:

So we worked together in May or June and she I was just kind of checking in she and she got a reading for her daughter, like she. She was like I need to get a healing and reading for everyone now. So we, we talked in the end of August and she was just updating me on the sun and I was so excited. That just makes me the happiest because I understand, as a parent, like when you feel helpless and helping your child and to be able to take that away from somebody and make them feel just more at ease and being a parent. Being a parent is hard enough without like feeling completely lost and alone and helping your child be healthy and happy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, hey. So what? What modalities are you trained in? Cause you talked about past life. You've talked about like cord cutting, also traditional talk therapy, and so what do you like to to?

Speaker 2:

pull from in your To layer together. Okay, so my specialty in like clinical therapy was cognitive behavioral therapy, which is a lot of looking at your thoughts and how they impact your behavior and vice versa. So it's a little bit more of mindset stuff, and I always kind of say cognitive behavioral therapy can also kind of be a catch all, because there's lots of different methods and strategies just within cognitive behavioral therapy that you can use. But that's what I specialized in and I primarily work with people with anxiety, personality disorders and depression and talk therapy. So I use those skills and integrate them into my intuitive therapy sessions. But then when it comes to like the energy readings and healings, I am a certified intuitive, which means I have been trained in different shamanic healings and just energy healings in general and then also readings, and I also am a certified medical intuitive.

Speaker 2:

So sometimes people will come to me with like a physical ailment and I'll energetically look into it and tell them about what the root causes and then what they can do to relieve that. So those are my certifications and I use a little bit of everything. But what's really cool is my specific, I guess, like energetic gift is that I'm a transmitter and I'm able to see the root cause of things and pull. Okay, they need this type of healing. So, even if it might be a cord cutting, but the cord cutting could be deeper than like somebody else's cord cutting, or it could look a little bit different, and I'm able, like I work with ascended masters and the person's healing team, to and they will instruct me of like this is what you need to do for this, and so it's very unique. Even though I use different modalities, I really tailor it to the person's soul and energy.

Speaker 1:

Wow, why isn't all therapy like this?

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, I think that's actually the way the therapy industry is going. But I think there's a lot of resistance from, I guess, like the big wigs of therapy, you know, cause there are a lot of therapists who are already naturally intuitive and I just think that intuitive therapy that's just what I've coined for what I do is going to be a subset modality of therapy, kind of like how you can get, you know, talk therapy or psychodyne, like it could be psychodynamic, it could be cognitive behavioral therapy, it could be DBT, like I think that intuitive work is going to be integrated in there.

Speaker 1:

So Especially if you're getting results and you're helping people. Yeah, and I think that to get into therapy it takes a lot of dedication and education, which is expense, and you know like it's a lot to be able to become a therapist in the first place, and I believe that the type of person that would be drawn to that work would naturally be an empathetic person and more intuitive person that really wants to help people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And the thing that I love about integrating energy work is that I would have some clients that would come into therapy and they were kind of coming to therapy to check a box, or they were coming to therapy because they were like you know, I want this, I want you know this relationship and this is a box that somebody says I should check and they might talk about some stuff, but it's not actually energetically or emotionally moving anything, so they're not making any progress and so get doing the energy work before they start.

Speaker 2:

Therapy actually allows the energy to flow more, so that emotions they're actually emotionally processing. It's not like they're just checking a box and that's it. You know, the energy work is just so profound and it just takes therapy to an actual like. To me, it feels much more impactful than just like, yeah, I'm going and I'm talking about things, but it actually allows, it makes you open to do the work, as opposed to just having to resist it for however long, and going in and out of therapy but never actually solving any of the issues. That's big.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a mic drop moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. And I like I always think of the male clients that I've worked with who come to therapy and they're kind of just like my wife is making me come or my girlfriends make you says I need to go, and they come in thinking they're just going to like then to like talk about stuff. And when we integrate energy work, they're like I didn't realize. Like like I had one client who he was coming for relationship issues and he was like I just don't think I'm the relationship type of person like commitment issues. And I was like, okay, so this is what I'm picking up. Like I told him about the energy work I had already been doing energy work and therapy for a little while and he was like, um, okay, I guess we can try it. And I was like, so I let him. I actually led him in a healing.

Speaker 2:

In the healing and it was like a meditation and at the end of it he was sobbing and he was like I didn't know that I was still holding on to this feelings from my mom, like he he actually had like this anger towards his mom that was come that he was trying subconsciously working through in the relationships that he was having and his mother coming in and out of his life. It was almost like him, his inner child, getting back at his mom like, okay, you were in out of my life, I can be in and out of women's life too. And he it changed everything, like we were actually able to make progress and he ended up getting married. Like he commit, like and he's so happy, like I'll check in sometimes and he's like we're doing great like this, like and he does, he, him and his wife like will meditate and stuff before they have like conflict conversation so that they it's really cool, like I am so happy for them.

Speaker 1:

That's so beautiful. Really, I feel like. I feel like so often women were were naturally taught to discuss our emotions and you know, but men just aren't, as you know, and I think that what's going more in the right direction, but I feel like there I just have so much I'm learning so much about, like the male experience, and they need therapy. They do and, yeah, be shamed for it and like it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they need the energy work, because a lot of men and it's not talked about, it's joked about a lot and you know is they have wounds with their mothers, like even, and it's in very and it's in ways that they're not even willing to express it and it's not even really expressed and it's just kind of acting out, yeah, and so they really, they need the energy work just as much and they, a lot of times, what I'll see is like their results will be like oh, now they're not afraid of commitment, now they're not as angry, like anger is actually a way of depression expressing itself, but normally in men and yeah, yeah, so men who are like overly aggressive and like it's actually a form of depression, because depression is anger, manifested, unprocessed anger, I should say.

Speaker 1:

Whoa Kate, I've heard like I've functioned under this belief that anger isn't a real emotion, but more a byproduct of another underlying emotion. So you can feel jealous and therefore you feel angry or you'll hurt, and so then you express it as anger.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but I always yeah, oh sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I've never heard it articulated with that clarity and as wow.

Speaker 2:

Anger is a beautiful emotion. It gets a lot of bad rep because we associate aggression with anger. But that's just. Aggression towards other people is just a poorly, a poor expression of anger. Anger is a protective emotion, as I call it, because it usually comes up when something is threatening us. And, yes, we feel hurt, we feel threatened, we feel jealous, whatever it is, but it's trying to protect us. So it's essentially, when anger comes up, it's telling us, hey, a boundary has been crossed. You've either energetically, physically, emotionally, psychologically, whatever something needs to change. A boundary needs to be put in. Anger is beautiful because it's passionate. It requires an action. So and it's very, very sacred.

Speaker 2:

When a lot of I had talked to a lot of parents who were like my child is just so angry, I don't know what to do.

Speaker 2:

But anger is a beautiful development in a child because it means that they are becoming independent and their own intuition and their own body is recognizing what it needs to survive, what it needs to become the best version of themselves. And so anger. But anger when it's unprocessed and it's held in, we take it out on ourselves or it manifests in other things like aggression and or like needing to fight, or for a lot of women it comes out as depression, because women aren't made to feel safe and feeling angry. So it sits and it's taken out on ourselves. We abandon ourselves, we hold on to that anger and it kind of depletes us to where? Because we're not taking an action with the anger, we're not taking action towards anything and we have a lack of interest. But for men it expresses itself very, very differently Men who are like angry all the time and they just wanna fight or whatever. They're actually depressed and it's and usually it has to do with the sadness that's underneath the anger.

Speaker 1:

For them, Wow, Okay, so how, how? How do we work with you?

Speaker 2:

So there's, there's three primary ways to work with me. So I do energetic healings and they're 30 minutes, and that is like you'll say okay, I'm having this problem. You're like the queen of efficiency, I think you, I, I and I because I understand I would, if I was a client receiving my services, I would want it to be efficient as well. Yeah, so there's 30 minute healings. You would pick like one or two things that you wanna focus on for you, for your child, I would do the healing, and then I would send you a voice note recording of what I found and then what are the integration steps? So you don't even we don't for the healings, we don't schedule a one-to-one, which is a lot of times, a lot of parents like thank you, because my schedule was like crazy, the readings are are you can get a 30 minute reading or a 60 minute reading, and that is like giving you clarity. So if you're like I don't know what to do, I'm feeling lost, or I just wanna know what is going on with my anxiety or my emotions, I do a full, deep dive and I'm telling you like here's the root causes, this is the ages that it happened, here's the circumstances, this is how it's impacting your physical, body, emotional health. This is how it's impacting your relationships, like, think of, like like a whole, like, I guess, dissection of like. I break everything down for you the sessions are 60 minutes, but a lot of times it ends up being a little bit more and you can ask questions, cause those are where we're meeting one to one over Zoom.

Speaker 2:

And then the last is an offer that I'm actually formally launching next week. It's the intuitive therapy program. So think of therapy, but like a hundred times more efficient and a hundred times more impactful because I'm integrating the energy work. So I will meditate before the session to see where your energy is at, we'll discuss it, we'll work through it. We spend about 35 to 40 minutes processing and then the end of the session will do some type of energetic practice, whether it's a healing, whether it's exploring like a past life, like whatever is relevant to whatever the goals we set are. If we're doing in those sessions, you'll get a reading to start off. So we have a plan. So your treatment plan will be from your soul and, yeah, I'm really excited for it. It's gonna be, it's 12 weeks and by the end of the 12 weeks you will have worked through, whatever it is the issue is, and be a totally feel like a totally different person.

Speaker 1:

Wow, okay, and when does this launch? This is amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm going to open up the waitlist next week, on the 22nd, and then it's going to officially launch on. Have a note, it's gonna officially launch on October 1st. Oh, that's beautiful. That's so beautiful. I'm so excited, it's gonna be great. So if you're somebody who you're like I've been in and out of therapy for years and I'm still anxious and I'm constantly like anxiety is just nothing's helping my anxiety depression this is definitely for you. Or if you're just someone who's like I don't want to play around and have to be in therapy for years, like I want to get to the bottom of this or I want to let go of this trauma, this program is gonna be so great for you.

Speaker 1:

Like let's just get it, like if we're going to do it.

Speaker 2:

Let's just, yes, Get it Get it. Get it, get it, get it Exactly. Yeah, so, and I have lots of fun things coming down the pipeline over the next year, but these are the three that I'm focusing on, so I'm excited to work with everyone in this capacity.

Speaker 1:

That's I'm like really excited, thank you. I think what you're doing is so important and it's it's such a like I don't. After meeting you and talking with you, I don't understand why this hasn't existed before. Like you're feeling such a need, in such a profound way, and to have all of your educational experience backed with all your energy. Work experience Like that is Exceptional and I haven't. I don't know of anybody else doing this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I haven't met anyone yet. I've met other therapists who are intuitive, but they haven't combined it, combined it yet, so that it'll be interesting to see how that progressives. But I know, for me I wouldn't want to have to spend years and years and years working through the same thing. You know, and I'm a single mom, so like I also use the energy work to help my daughter process things, you know, she lost her father when she was one and a half and that's, you know, something that I, energetically, I've been able to help her work through that as well as her being in therapy. So I totally understand from a parent perspective, from a person perspective. I want this, I want you, at the end of working with me, to feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel and then to be and then to reach it, you know. So I am thankful to be able to do this work.

Speaker 1:

Well and I can't imagine, like a little bit that I know about your daughter. I can't imagine her being in any better hands than you. Thank you, Thank you, that's really, it's amazing. Thank you, Absolutely amazing. So really, thank you so much for meeting with me. I understand that your time really is so valuable. Thank you, and I'm really excited Like I'm just excited to cheer you on and watch you change the world, thank you.

Speaker 2:

And so thank you so much for having me. I love sharing this work, so I'm so excited.

Speaker 1:

Wasn't my conversation just so great? I really love her. I'm so pumped for what she's doing, how she's. She's coming at everything she does with such a place of integrity and really trying to help her patients feel better faster. I just have so much respect for Anna Marie and she was gracious enough to give the intentional morning podcast listeners a really nice discount. So if you are interested in working with her, I have the link in the show notes below and you get $50 off any session using code lunar 23 and $300 off her intuitive therapy program that starts officially this October. It's a 12 week one to one offering where you're able to dive really deep and, like I said, these are one to one sessions. This is not some group coaching, mentoring program. This is one to one with a therapist who also does energy work and, yeah, it's like therapy but better, with more powerful results. And with that, just use code LH 2023 LH 2023.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I can't wait to talk to you guys next week. Thank you so much for listening. I know there's a ton of podcasts out there and I'm just so grateful to you for taking the time to join me and create a more intentional morning. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a rating or review. Also, don't forget to get your hands on my free download eight quick and easy intentional morning rituals. It's my gift to you to elevate the everyday, so be sure to snag that in the show notes. In the meantime, I can't wait to see you next week. Take care.